Introduction :

Ragging is defined as an act that violates or is perceived to violate on individual student’s dignity. Ragging involves abuse, humiliation or harassment of new entrants orjunior students by the senior students. It often takes a malignant form wherein the newcomers may be subjected to psychological or physical torture.

Effects of Ragging :

The victims of ragging suffer maximum in forms of depression, isolation, demoralization & many other forms of detrimental effects on the personality. In extreme cases the victim can even commit suicide due to mental pressures that develop over a period of time.

Government steps against ragging:

It was in the late 70s in the aftermath of the death of two fresher in a Regional Engineering college that the government of India for the first time issued a notification barring ragging in the country.  The anti-ragging Campaign got an impetus in 1999 when the Hon’ble Supreme Court, in response to PIL filed by the Vishwa Jagriti Mission asked the University Grants Commission to issue guidelines to universities to curb ragging.

In 2006, the issue of ragging was once again brought to the forefront when the supreme court expressed its disappointment in the implementation of its previous guidelines & constituted another committee to suggest means & methods to prevent ragging. The committee made some strong recommendations to curb ragging.

In order to address the issue of an increase in ragging cases on campuses, the UGC has brought out the UGC regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions 2009. These regulations are to be followed mandatorily by all Higher Educational Institutions. Accordingly, Anti Ragging Committee was formed/established at the college level which consists of the following members.

  • 1] Dr. Vasant P. Mali   (Chairperson)
  • 2] Ms. Neetu C. Purswani  (Co-Ordinator)
  • 3] Mrs. Smita D. Chawak  (Member)
  • 4] Mrs. Sharmila D. Karve  (Member)
  • 5] Dr. Dattatray T. Kalbande  (Member)
  • 6] Ms. Pooja Sharma  (Student Representative)   

Objectives of Anti Ragging Committee :

Anti Ragging Committee will be the supervisory & Advisory Committee in preserving a culture of Ragging free environment in the college campus. Anti Ragging committee will be involved in designing strategies & action plans for curbing the menace of Ragging in the college by adopting an array of activities.

Power and Functions of Anti Ragging Committee :

  1. To uphold and comply with the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and be vigilant on any acts amounting to ragging;
  2. To publicize to all students and prevalent directives and the actions that can be taken against those indulging in ragging;
  3. To consider the complaints received from the students and conduct inquiry and submit a report to the Anti- Ragging Committee along with punishment recommended for the offenders;
  4. Oversee the procedure of obtaining an undertaking from the students in accordance with the provisions;
  5. Conduct workshops against ragging menace and orient the students;
  6. To provide students the information pertaining to contact address and telephone numbers of the person(s) appointed to receive complaints/distress calls;
  7. To offer services of counseling and create awareness to the students;
  8. To take all necessary measures for the prevention of Ragging inside the Campus/ Hostels.


Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college premises. If anybody found indulged in such kind of activities, strict action will be taken irrespective of the extent. Supreme Court of India has banned ragging. In order to prevent such activity on campus, several committees have been developed and brought into operation even before the start of 1st-year classes by the Director / Principal. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within the premises of the college/department/classroom as well as on public transport. Any individual or group of individuals who indulge in an act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline then such individual/ groups shall be dealt with as per the ordinance. This includes individual or collective acts or practices that involve physical assault or threat or use of physical force, which violate the status, dignity, and honor of any student.

Students shall not :

  • Violate the status, dignity, and honor of girl students.
  • Violate the status, dignity, and honor of SC and ST students.
  • Expose students to ridicule and contempt thereby affect their self-esteem.
  • Entail verbal abuse and aggression indecent gestures and obscene behavior.
  • The Principal / the Anti-ragging committee shall take immediate action on any information about the occurrence of ragging.

The procedure for handling issues of ragging will be as follows:

The information on ragging can be received in the following manner :

  1. Through the notified contact details of the Committee members and national help-line number on ragging for necessary relief in terms of the provisions of the UGC Regulations.
  2. Through any other member of the Institute.
  3. From an external source.
  4. In the event of receipt of information of ragging by any of the officers mentioned at (i) above, he/she will promptly alert/inform the Chairman of the Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute or any of its members. The activity shall be completed, at the most, within two hours of receipt of this information.
  5. The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute shall promptly conduct a preliminary on the spot inquiry and collect details of the incident as available prima facie. The preliminary investigation/details of the incident shall be immediately brought to the notice of the Chairman of the Institute. The activity shall be completed, at the most, within twenty hours of receipt of information.
  6. On the basis of Prima Facie, the Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute shall promptly conduct an inquiry into the incident as per provisions laid down in Clause 6.3(e) of the UGC Regulations.
  7. The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute shall complete the inquiry and submit its report along with recommendations to the Chairman of the Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute within fifteen days of the incident.
  8. Thereafter, the said report and recommendations shall be considered by the Anti- Ragging Committee for deciding the punishment on the erring students in terms of provisions contained at Clause 9.1 of the UGC Regulations.


The institution shall punish a student found guilty of ragging after following the procedure and in the manner prescribed herein under :

TheAnti-RaggingCommittee may be depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt may award with following punishments, namely;

  1. Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  2. Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.
  3. Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation processes.
  4. Withholding results
  5. Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet’ tournament’ youth festival, etc.
  6. Cancellation of admission
  7. Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters’
  8. Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified