The cell aims to create confidence and strengthen the women to withstand in Changing world and to create social awareness about the problems of women and in particular regarding women related issues and challenges for that cell organizes seminars, workshops for creating general awareness about legal laws related to women, health and hygiene etc

  • Members

    Kachhela Teena (Chair person)
    Vrushali Deshmukh (Member)
    Hema Chetwani
    Heena Aswani

  • Our Mission

    To create confidence and strengthen the women to withstand in Changing world

  • Aims & Goals

    To create social awareness about the problems of women and in particular regarding women related issues and challenges. To organise seminar, workshops for creating general awareness about legal laws related to women’s. To highlight the importance of health and hygiene. To develop the self confidence of Women. To provide a platform through which women related problems can be discussed and solved.

  • High-Lighted Future Plans

    To arrange various competitions which will brings active participation of students in WDC. To provide the practical knowledge of women security by Police department. To enable girl’s students to realize women rights through various expert lectures and programmes.