
The Cultural Committee of J.W. Sadhubella Girls College, Ulhasnagar – 421001, strives to celebrate the cultural diversity in the college by organizing Various competitions, events, activities, programs and Days like, Sadhubella Grace Competitions, Sadhubella Grace Days, Annual Function, and Intercollegiate competition- Rainbow, in each and every year. The Committee provides various opportunities for the students to relax, to enhance their skills and talents.

The Teacher and Student Coordinator of the Cultural Committee take a lot of efforts to plan, to Guide, to organize the various events and competitions in the college at Intra and Intercollegiate level. Students From our college and other colleges took participation in maximum number in competitions like, Dance Competition, Singing Competition, Rangoli Competition, Mehandi Competition, Drama competition, Elocution Competition, In Debate Competition, etc.

The Committee also Create a platform that provides the students a lot of opportunities to show their talents in variety of events and competitions.


Our Vision is to encourage students in Cultural events/activities/competitions and to develop more and more talent among students in Cultural activities.


Our Mission is to enhance the talents of the students, so they can show and participate in maximum number in different cultural events/activities/competitions.

Future Plan:-

  • To organize various programmes for preserving cultural heritage and transmitting cultural values and history.
  • To arrange various competitions for bridging cultural, ethnic and class differences.


Index Of Cultural Activities:-

  1. To organize a successful events, activities and competitions of cultural events, which help our college to develop the students in cultural activities.
  2. To encourage and promote the talent of the students in cultural activities in our college.
  3. To celebrate the Birth and Death Anniversaries of the Great Leaders/Personalities, so that students came to know about them and they can follow them.
  4. To celebrate the cultural diversity and the programs by nurturing the inner skills of students so they can participate in Intra and Intercollegiate level.
  5. To Understanding the importance of the Cultural events and competitions at college/Intercollegiate/University/State/National/International Level, to organize it and to participate.
  6. To promote and arrange extracurricular activities to bring out the talents of students in the performing arts/Literary arts/Fine arts.
  7. To achieve a lot of prizes, medals, awards and certificates in cultural activities so they can enhance their talents and also to encourage others to participate in events and activities.
1University Level Intercollegiate competition
2Guru Poornima Celebration
3Teacher’s day Celebration
4Ganesh Utsav Celebration
5Sadhubella Week Grace Competitions and Days
6Rainbow An Intercollegiate Competition
7Prize Distribution ceremony
8Convocation Certificates Distribution
9Death and Birth anniversaries programs
10Sindh-Fusion an Intercollegiate competition
11Drama on Road Safety Awareness Programme


Achievements of the students of J.W.Sadhubella Girls College in Cultural Events of academic year 2014-2019:

Our College students took participation in so much of Cultural events, they- participated in college activities, competitions and Intercollegiate level, University level, etc. Students got so much of prizes, medals, awards, cash prizes, certificates in cultural events in and in other institutions also, they got trophy in Sindh-Fusion Dance competition, they also got cash prizes and certificates and trophy’s in Tattoo making, Rangoli, Mehandi, Taste your Tongue, Nail Art, painting, group dance competitions.

Students are so active and always willing to participate in each and every activity. They also participated in Sadhubella Grace competitions and Days, which college is celebrating at institution level. Students got various prizes in competitions.
Students also participated in University Intercollegiate level Cultural Youth Festival. In Academic year:

2016-2017 At University 49th Intercollegiate level Cultural Youth Festival.
2017-2018 At University 50th Intercollegiate level Cultural Youth Festival.
2018-2019 At University 51st Intercollegiate level Cultural Youth Festival.
2019-2020 At University 52nd Intercollegiate level Cultural Youth Festival.
They participated in Poster Making, Clay Modeling, Cartooning, Mehandi Designing, Elocution Group A Marathi, Debate Group A Marathi, Debate Group B Other than Marathi, On the Spot Painting, Collage, Rangoli, Elocution Group B other than Marathi, Installation, Western Vocal solo, Mime, Indian Folk Dance, Indian group song, Indian light Vocal solo, Story Writing Group B, etc. Our College students got participation Certificates in each and every events, at University Level.